If sabotaging the peace process was part of the plan in the SAF operation in Mamasapano, Maguindanao then those behind it have almost succeeded. On January 25, 2015, government officials sent its commandos on an uncoordinated and special mission in the town of Mamasapano to serve an arrest warrant to an international terrorist, resulting to the death of 44 members of the … [Read more...] about Step forward
Conflicting Interests
The thing is, Rappler Inc. and Rappler Holdings Corp. is an online news website managed and operated with an investment from a foreign company. Does this justify the need to arbitrarily close it down, even when it is not only accused of being critical of the government but also of violating the provision of the Constitution? I do not think so. In a 29- page decision signed … [Read more...] about Conflicting Interests
Beyond grief
It was a bittersweet parting for the year. In the aftermath of typhoon Vinta, an estimated 57,000 evacuees in Mindanao, including 18,500 families in the 25 barangays of Davao City were displaced. It left 123 dead and 160 missing in Visayas and Mindanao. Less than 24 hours and while the local government of Davao, including volunteers from the community was responding to … [Read more...] about Beyond grief
Whose Interest?
Breastfeeding may be the single most important intervention that can save the lives both of mothers and infants. It can drastically reduce stunting, prevent child deaths and could be the most important investment that the government can make. But it is also a politically charged issue. Not only because males continue to ogle at women who breastfeed in public but also … [Read more...] about Whose Interest?
Revolutionary Government?
What is there to be afraid of RevGov? “I’d go to RevGov only if the ship of state is about to sink…maybe I’d be forced. That is a very extreme measure,” President Rodrigo Duterte said. Putting up a revolutionary government at this time was like looking for a headache, he added. Malacanang, on Monday, said there was no factual or legal basis to declare a RevGov. Back … [Read more...] about Revolutionary Government?