DAVAO CITY — Some 510 personnel and medical staff of the government’s Southern Philippines medical Center (SPMC) have tested positive for Covid-19.
Dr. Ricardo Audan, the Chief of the hospital, in an interview with PTV-4 Davao, revealed that of the 510 personnel, 86 are medical technologist (MedTech) which render their swabbing activities on hold.
“We stretched our functions and duties to cope up with the requirement, we have 5,8000 personnel and the frontliners are 3,0000 but we really ran short of personnel, we we are asking the public not to proceed to the hospital unless it is an emergency case,” he added.
The SPMC is the only hospital in Davao City which caters to the Covid-19 cases.
As it is now, the hospital reached the critical level in the utilization of their bed capacity. 72 of the 87 beds has been occupied and they cannot add more rooms because they do not have staff to attend to the patients.
The recent surge of Covid-19 cases, is happening in almost all areas in Southern Mindanao.