FOR the last two weeks, I was caught between the transition of the New Year and in putting in place some things with my daughter who was on her 38th week of pregnancy. I was also running through a deadline, one for a report and another, for an upcoming project evaluation workshop. Like most instances when it might be too easy to succumb and give up, there was no other option but to just continue.
Life happens and it is the grit to keep going that matters in the end.
There I was, gleaning at my notes, trying to decipher and make sense of the entries I had scribbled from previous interviews and workshops before the year ended. I was trying to not only declutter my personal stuff and space but also organize some online transcripts that I have, including the voice memo from my phone and kept on updating the materials which I needed.
I wanted to have a clearer head start of the things that I needed to finish and to have all the reference documents at hand to prepare. I wanted to not only focus on some task at hand but also to leave out things that may squander the effort.
In the process, and with some degree of clumsiness, I invariably deleted some audio files on my phone when I tried freeing up its memory space. I tried to fix this lack of space by deleting some of the photos and materials that were stored. My daughter advised me to transfer some files on my desktop.
It was the same thing that happened a year ago when over the years, I accumulated and stored what otherwise could have already been unnecessary work-related files on my email which I then used as a storage back-up. I thought it was miraculous not to be incessantly hounded by emails while on vacation, only to realize on the fifth day, that I could not receive nor send emails anymore.
Sometimes, I tend to do things wrong. I realized there were things which may have worked the way that I wanted it before, but had shown some flaws over the year. I have been making use of the digital tool not only as a platform to work and collaborate online but also as a crutch. As if it was the be all and end all of doing things.
In the hustle and bustle of the start of the year, some things are best unlearned. Some things are probably meant to be lost and try as we could, will not be able to undo. On one hand, there is always the value of working with what we have, with whatever situation that we are dealt with. Some things are best worked on with our heart on it. Email comments to