Amidst various workplace safety hazards construction workers face, electricity is one common but imperceptible danger present. When neglected, these safety hazards can cause electrocution, fire, or worse, death.
Thus, Davao Light and Power Co., Inc. (Davao Light), further amplified its electrical safety campaign through its Construction Worker’s Day held on October 14, 2023, at Brgy. Gov. Paciano Bangoy gym in Davao City. With the theme, Enhancing Electrical Safety Awareness to Reduce Public Electrocution Cases, the event was brought closer to barangays where construction works abound.
The company partnered with the Davao City Barangay Cultural Communities and Affairs Division (BCCAD) for the pilot run intended for construction workers from the Agdao Cluster. Eighty-one workers from Barangays Agdao Proper, Wilfredo Aquino, Vicente Duterte, Tomas Monteverde, and Gov. Paciano Bangoy, attended the event and learned from a safety awareness talk and a Q&A game.

Engr. Ismael Tediong teaches valuable electrical safety-related information which includes maintaining a safe working distance from live power lines, and encouraging them to request the installation of conductor covers whenever there are construction works near Davao Light’s power lines. Now on its third year, the Construction Worker’s Day will continue with several runs in 2024.
Engr. Emiere Daplin-Lingatong, Manager of Davao Light’s Occupational Safety, Security, Health and Environment Department (OSSHED) shared that according to the power utility’s data, a significant portion of public electrocution incidents have occurred among construction workers operating at job sites that are near power lines. She said Agdao District was selected due to its urbanized environment, where construction projects occur near Davao Light’s power lines.
“Our aim is to provide them with essential education on safety measures, which includes maintaining a safe working distance from our live power lines, and encouraging them to request from us, the installation of conductor covers. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the well-being of every worker, allowing them to return safely to their families,” Engr. Daplin-Lingatong said.
In his welcome address, Julius Villafuerte, BCCAD Chairperson highlighted the importance of construction workers to Davao City. “You have a big contribution to our community. Without you, there will be no great establishments built. The government and the private sector such as Davao Light, look out for your welfare and safety so that you come home safe and sound,” Villafuerte said in vernacular.

Davao Light’s Construction Worker’s Day was organized by the
Occupational Safety, Security, Health and Environment Department (OSSHED) in partnership with the Davao City Barangay Cultural Communities and Affairs Division (BCCAD). It featured a safety awareness talk, raffle, and Q&A game for the eighty-one participants.
Electrical safety awareness and application are of paramount importance in Davao Light for the protection of its personnel and its community. In his special message, Davao Light President and COO, Engr. Rodger Velasco said that the power utility aims for zero accidents, especially among construction workers who make up about 50% of the company’s data on safety-related occurrences. It was further found that these workers did not undergo safety orientations and training. Thus Davao Light organized the activity, in partnership with BCCAD, and will continue with several runs next year.
Davao Light, an AboitizPower subsidiary, aims to advance business and communities by providing solutions that pave the way for the safety, security, and development of its franchise area covering the cities of Davao, Panabo, and the municipalities of Carmen, Dujali, and Sto. Tomas.