DAVAO CITY (February 17) — Presidential daughter Veronica, nickname Kitty, asked her Papa President Rodrigo Duterte to rest and relax in Hongkong over the weekend to spend the birthday of her mother Cielito “Honeylet” Avanceña privately.
Today, the three of them celebrate Honeylet’s 49th birthday.
Former presidential aide Christopher “Bong” Go confirmed the trip, saying it was Veronica requested for the trip as a ‘gift’.
Go revealed the President flew to Hong Kong late Friday night and would return on Sunday.
“It was a personal trip,” Go revealed “rest and recreation.”
When Duterte was still serving as Davao City Mayor, he brought Honeylet and Kitty to Hongkong on her birthday.
Duterte appointed Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdia as officer-in-charge of the Office of the President.
It can be recalled, last October 2018, Duterte also went there with Avanceña and Kitty to “rest.”-ezc