The pandemic led to the rise of work from home jobs, and many companies worldwide had to adopt remote work setups. It continues to be a popular, if not preferred, arrangement for many employees because of its flexibility. While remote work has its advantages, building genuine connections with teammates across different locations and time zones has never been more challenging.
Feelings of isolation and difficulties with collaboration and communication are among the common challenges of working remotely. So what can workers do to replace the rapport-building powers of an in- person water cooler conversation? Quite a lot, as it turns out, if you’re willing to be a little creative.
Here are some of the best ways to stay connected with your remote work team—fun activities included!
Host Regular Team Meetings
While some meetings could be easily replaced by an email, regular team meetings—specifically those that are well organized and purposeful—can reap significant advantages for each team member and the organization.
Regular online team meetings foster strong relationships, encourage inclusion and successful communication, and facilitate problem-solving and decision-making. Team meetings can be held virtually using video conferencing tools and should be scheduled at a convenient time for all team members.
To ensure efficiency and effectiveness, the agenda should be written beforehand and shared with all so that each member can prepare accordingly.
Turn Your Camera On
Turning your camera on during work meetings, especially when it is optional, can feel like a tedious chore. Being presentable takes time, and composing yourself for the camera may be exhausting.
However, having your camera on during meetings may make you feel more connected to your team. If you’re a worker who tends to multitask during calls, turning your camera on will force you to focus on the discussion and feel more present and connected to your teammates.
Being visible to others also means that you’ll have to groom and dress appropriately before appearing on video—a practice that offers productivity-boosting benefits on its own.
Embrace Small Talk
Small talk can be anxiety-inducing, especially for introverted workers. However, participating in small talk is one of the best ways to build genuine relationships with teammates. Engaging in small talk presents an opportunity to establish an immediate rapport with an individual, learn a bit about them, and create a gateway for a more profound and significant dialogue. Perhaps you can ask about a colleague’s pet if you can hear them in the background, or offer a compliment about the design of their
home office.
Plan Team-Building Activities
Do not underestimate the friendship-fostering power of team-building activities, even if they happen virtually. Virtual team-building activities are a great way to develop team spirit among coworkers, but the trick is to find an activity everyone will enjoy.
These activities can be as simple as playing trivia games, planning a virtual coffee break, or hosting a movie streaming party. These activities help reduce stress, build trust, and increase team morale.
Below are some fun virtual team-building activities you can try with your teammates:
● Dress up. You can add a bit of fun and novelty to your online meetings by agreeing to dress up
according to a theme and offering prizes for the best costume. Great costume themes include a
pajama party, a hat parade, or fancy dress.
● Play an online game. Remote work offers an excellent opportunity to play online video games,
so bond with your teammates over free browser games or using an online gaming platform. You
can even do a simple Bring Me game, with each member taking a turn to give the prompt.
● Host a virtual book club. Book clubs are a great way to engage your remote team, spark conversations, and build a sense of community. Select a book everyone will read together and schedule meetings to share your thoughts about it.
● Plan a virtual happy hour. A virtual happy hour is a great way to unwind with your team members. Start a video conference, grab a drink, and chat about anything but work. Enjoying a drink with your colleagues is a great way to build personal relationships with them.
● Meet the family. You’ve probably heard about your colleagues’ families during the daily work- from-home setup. Put a face to the name by planning a video conference where each team member introduces their family to everyone.
● House tour. If your teammates are comfortable letting everyone see their homes, you can schedule a video conference call where each gives a tour of their room or home. This activity is a great way to learn more about your teammates and recognize common interests.
● Movie streaming party. Watching a movie with your teammates during lunchtime or after work hours can be a fun pastime to encourage bonding. Start a poll to decide on a film, then ask everyone to download a video streaming app that allows for a shared viewing experience. Discuss what you liked or didn’t like about the movie afterwards, and don’t forget the popcorn.
Staying connected with your remote work team can be a challenge, but it is essential for building an efficient and productive team. Incorporating fun activities also takes everyone out of the usual meeting mode and helps build personal relationships and foster team spirit. By making an effort to genuinely connect with your remote team members, you can create a collaborative work environment, leading to better project outcomes.–Monica Mendoza/Branded content